Several of our friends asked to let them know how our move to India goes and where the road takes from there. This blog grew out of that and as a way for us to keep in touch.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Visit to Pune

Anu and kids visited her mom and brother's family in Pune late May - early June. We were all bent on settling in Pune before finding a job in B'lore. Anu had a first-hand experience of life in Pune, which turned out to be pretty good. The weather in Pune is not as pleasant as Bangalore, but isn't bad either. The city has a very long history and is supposed to be better constructed than Bangalore.

Anu's mom and brother's family moved to Pune earlier this year from Gwalior. Her neice, Kavya, celebrated her fourth birthday. The kids stuck like glue!

More pics at Posted by Picasa


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